Monday, May 18, 2020

Freedom Riders The United States - 2497 Words

Freedom Riders were activists who rode interstate transports into segregated southern states. The Freedom riders started their rides in 1961. They additionally rode into the southern states to backing up the decisions of the United States Supreme Court in many court cases ruling segregation unconstitutional. The Southern states disregarded the decisions and the federal government did nothing to help in the implementation of the laws. The first Freedom Ride left Washington, D.C., on May 4, 1961, and was scheduled to arrive in New Orleans at some point on May 17. The Boynton case, which ruled that segregation on public transportation such as buses was unconstitutional, outlawed segregation in the restaurants and waiting areas in terminals that served buses that drove across state borders. About five years before the ruling, the Interstate Commerce Commission had issued a ruling in another court case that had denounced the Plessy v. Ferguson doctrine of separate but equal in interstate bus travel. The Interstate Commerce Commissioin failed to enforce its ruling, and Jim Crow laws remained enforced throughout the South. The Freedom Riders tested this decision and poor implementation of the law by riding the buses in the South in blended racial groups to test neighborhood laws or traditions that upheld seating segregation on buses. The Freedom Rides, and the brutal responses: stirred outrage, and supported the Civil Rights Movement. They called national attention to theShow MoreRelatedThe Freedom Riders For African Americans1491 Words   |  6 PagesWho are the Freedom Riders you may ask? They were a courageous and daring group, which originally consisted of seven African Americans and six Whites.They fought for the equality and justice for their race. They fought against the racist South during the early 1960’s. Their goal was to make a safer and more fair world for current and future African Americans in the United States. They went through hardship and violence from things such as, angry mobs and racist law enforcement through a period ofRead MoreFreedom Riders, By John Lewis, A Former Fre edom Rider1087 Words   |  5 PagesThis quote from John Lewis, a former Freedom Rider I believe with those words perfectly describes why these Freedom Riders began their journey. After reading the textbook, Visions of America and watching the video clip from American Experience of Freedom Riders I was able to make myself knowledgeable about Freedom Riders. Both the textbook and the video I thought engaged me into the information I was either reading or listening. So, what exactly are Freedom Riders, what were the impacts of this eventRead MoreEssay on Freedom Riders1426 Words   |  6 PagesThe Freedom Riders were a group of college students and leaders of various racial equality organizations, both blacks and whites, which tested the law of integration for public transportation. The law was instated, but Alabama especially didn’t follow it. The Freedom Riders rode buses into the cities to see if the townspeople accepted or declined the new law. They in turn ended up beat ing, pummeling, and chasing the riders out of town with the white mobs. The Freedom Riders violently fought the segregationRead MoreFreedom Riders: Rebels with a Cause1400 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom Riders: Rebels with a Cause â€Å"If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Will there be a better day for it tomorrow or next year? Will it be less dangerous then? Will someone else’s children have to risk their lives instead of us risking ours?† -- John Lewis May 16, 1961, to other Nashville students considering joining the Freedom Rides John Lewis, a young black man who was born in the South, participated in the Freedom Rides. His statement rang true when Nashville students were facedRead MoreFreedom Riders By Rosa Parks Actions And Advised By Martin Luther King Jr.1275 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom riders fought for racial equality among African Americans in America in the 1960’s. Their purpose was to first stop segregation of transportation, and then later expand to racial equality everywhere. They were inspired by Rosa parks actions and advised by Martin Luther King Jr. The freedom riders protests lasted 7 months with about 400 members participating in them. Riders were supported by the Congress for Racial Inequality or CORE. Throughout history the southern states has been a placeRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement: Freedom Rides Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans sought to have their Constitutional Rights permitted. One form of protesting came forth in the f orm of the Freedom Rides. After slavery ended, many amendments and laws were created to ensure the rights of African Americans, but because of prejudices and racism, most of these were ignored. The Supreme Courts decision in Plessy v. Fergunson established separate but equal on interstate transportation in 1896, but in 1947 the Supreme Court foundRead MoreThe Freedom Riders Essay1090 Words   |  5 PagesThe Freedom Riders were a group of around 13 people. Most of them were African Americans but there were always a few white skinned people in the group as well. There was no set leader for the Freedom Riders. The Freedom Riders rode interstate buses into the Southern United States. The south was referred to as the most segregated part of the U.S. The main goal of the Freedom Riders was to desegregate and become â€Å"separate but equal.† They had also set out to defy the Jim Crow Laws. The Freedom RidersRead MoreFreedom Riders Speech788 Words   |  4 Pagesled to violence. In 1960, a group of brave people of a variety races came up with the idea of â€Å"Freedom Rides†. They knew the consequences of their cause, a 13 person group, protesting against something that most of the world stood for, and yet they still did everything they could do , to help end it. The Freedom Riders’ goals were to â€Å"challenge the non-enforcement of the united states supreme court decisions Morgan vs. virginia† ( The reason why they fought with Read MoreThe Freedom Riders Essay1553 Words   |  7 Pagesthis time, segregation was legal. In 1892, the Supreme Court had ruled that a state could separate whites and blacks as long as the services were equal. On May 4, 1961, a diverse group of thirteen courageous individuals known as the Freedom Riders embarked on a bus journey into the South in order to challenge segregation in bus terminals. Although many individuals believed that segregation was wrong, many southern states continued to practice racial segregation. Racial segregation is the separationRead MoreFreedom Riders By Rosa Parks Actions And Advised By Martin Luther King Jr.1275 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom riders fought for racial equality among African Americans in America in the 1960’s. Their purpose was to first stop segregation of transportation, and then later expand to racial equality everywhere. They were inspired by Rosa parks actions and advised by Martin Luther King Jr. The freedom riders protests lasted 7 months with about 400 members participating in them. Riders were supported by the Congress for Racial Inequality or CORE. Throughout history the southern states has been a place

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